Proverbs 3:9 (KJV)
Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase.


Getting ready to leave!

Well... Today is finally here!!!!!!! I thought it would never come!!! We're leaving in just a few minutes to head to the airport and start on an adventure in Texas & Mexico!! I'm so so so excited!!! Please be praying for us!!! I will be blogging when I get back home on Saturday, and will fill you in on the week, and also Blood Bought's weekend!!
Love y'all!!!!



The First Flurry!!

About 30 minutes ago, the first VERY SMALL flurry of 2007 started!! There were small flakes of snow just a-blowin' through the air. It was so pretty! It's pretty much stopped now, but it was nice while it lasted!! I hope we have a good winter this year. By "good winter" I mean that I hope we have some snow this year. Last year it was a very mild winter... No snow at all. :( It's been breezy and cool today.. Just the way I like it... I guess it's because I'm hot-natured. But I'm gonna have to pack some short sleeved stuff for our big trip to Texas next week!! Did I mention it's only FOUR MORE DAYS?!?! Yippee!!!


1 more week!!!!

Only one more week til Me and Mama's big trip to Texas!!! I'm so so so so so excited!!! I can't wait to see all my family that's down there! It's gonna be great!!!!



I'm thankful

Thanksgiving is almost here. It's a time where we make our mashed taters, cream our corn, fry our squash, and have family to gather around the table. Some families hand out dried corn before the meal, then have everyone share what they're thankful for, and drop the corn in a basket. Others simply cook a meal and have a time of wonderful conversation. I love both these traditions. Here are some things I'm thankful for: My salvation, my parents, my talent, my Savior most of all. He's been with me whenever I go through the storms of life. You know, that's how it is sometimes. Our life can be going so good. Things are going our way, we've not had any car trouble, no family bickers, no one has been "mean" to us. Then all of a sudden... BANG! Something happens; a family member may die, we may come down with a long-term illness, and we wonder, "God, why me?? I'm doing everything I can for you, I go to church every single time the doors are open, I try to live a holy life..... why me?" Instead of questioning God, we should do as Ephesians 5:20 says to do... "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." God has a purpose for everything. I heard a preacher say this one time, and I really love it... If God brought you to it... He will bring you through it! I'm really not sure why I said all that, but maybe somebody needed to be encouraged. HAPPY THINKSGIVING!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!!


Hey ya'll!
Well, this is probably going to be a fairly long entry! I've got a lot to tell you about!!...

This past Friday (Nov. 3), I went with the school where I work (Heritage Christian School) to Piedmont Baptist College for their annual choral festival. We got there around 10:30am and we first went to attend a concert that the faculty had prepared for us. The music was simply phenomenal!! One gentleman played a piano solo called "Danzas Argentinas, Opus #2." The piece consisted of three different "songs" all blended into one beautiful masterpiece. I was completely blown away!! After that we had lunch, then went to our rehearsals. We sang literally ALL DAY LONG!! We now know the song "O Sifuni Mungu" which means "All Creatures of Our God and King" in African. With no instrumental accompaniment, aside from a shaker egg and a Dumbec, we, along with another Christian school and the Chorale at PBC, lifted our voices together in praise! I also had the privilege to play a piano solo during the concert. I played a beautiful rendition of "How Great Thou Art" on a 8' Steinway & Sons Concert Grand Piano! :D I was on cloud nine headed for ten!!! It was absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!!

The next day, however, was not so pleasant. I woke up that morning sick as could be. X-( The group had a service to do that evening in Boone, and I couldn't make it. :'( However, Brittney went on and sang some with some of her soundtracks. THANK YOU BRITT!!! I LOVE YA!!!!!! Sunday I started to feel better, and even made it to church Sunday night.

Yesterday was another exciting day!! My Grandmother and two of her friends are flying down to Texas to visit her son (my uncle.... obviously lol) and his wife who are missionaries in Mexico. She called Monday morning and asked if we had our tickets yet. We told her we weren't sure if we were going to be able to go or not..... But God made a way!! We went yesterday and got our Round-Trip tickets to TX!!! I'm so so so excited!! I've never flown before, so I'm a little nervous!! But I know everything will be just fine!! Please be praying for me and Mama!

Well, I guess I'd better go and start my school work! Gonna try to get ahead before we leave ;-)
Love you all,